Wayfarers of Veeshan

An Everquest Guild on Luclin
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 4:11 am 
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Joined: Tue Jun 25, 2002 11:39 am
Posts: 2268
Location: *Yay TERPS*
The only word that can preface this entry is "WOW". I was truely astounded last evening as I entered Runnyeye. Shilena and Franklyn were waiting for me as I arrived in that foul smelling place. As I looked around, I noticed that Vanalcar (Frankyn's shaman kin) was there chatting with them. I further saw Gonkee, the gnomish mage and his pet, sitting off in a corner trying to avoid the wandering goblins. Appearantly word of my travels has gotten around and the Wayfarers have chosen to join in and help cleanse Norrath of all that is evil. we puttered about for a bit, setting up spells of warding and waiting on my normal hunting mates, Thunderhart, Drexxell and Talinoth.

When they arrived I joined them and headed down to the spore room to get started while Franklyn, Vanalcar and Gonkee waited at the entrance to help lead others down to the room. The battles began and seemed to continue without end throughout the entire evening. In the middle of one minor little conflict, the room was suddenly filled with Wayfarers. At last count we had eleven. Our group of four acquired a Paladin named Smokez and a second Druid, Loull. Franklyn, Shilena, Vanalcar, and Gonkee acquired a Beastlord named Deanal. I have never met a beastlord before last night and It seemed somehow fitting that one of the Shar Vahl had the power to control or befriend the large cats. I wonder how the beastlords magic compares to that of a druid. I may have to have a long talk with Talinoth to understand them better. Maybe the beastlord's magic is more akin to that of the shaman...hmmm.

Anyway, I was beginning to wonder what was behind the sudden influx of spores last night, since the battles never ceased. I didn't have but maybe five whole minutes to rest and recuperate. Between Deanal and Thunderhart searching for enemies, there was a constant and steady stream of either goblins or spores through the room. I am sure they had to search far and wide at times but they somehow managed to provide enough entertainment for all the assembled Wayfarers. I know at one point Thunderhart was just DYING to try those Evil Eyes again. He seemed to think that he could talk some sense into them. I didn't see any point in leaving where we were to go looking for them however. We had plenty to do right where we were.

Every time we turned around, one of the piles of ICK (yes there is that word again and when I think of a better one I will use it) exploded into a batch of sporelings. This was interesting to say the least because the sporelings arrival seemed to correspond with one or the other groups returning with bad guys in tow. As I said before there was little to no rest for any of us. I believe the worst scare I had all night long was when Thunderhart was shouting that he needed help against some goblins since they had rooted him and were casting wizard spells on him. We couldn't find him and shouts just seem to echo forever down there. When he did return to us he was all but crawling and I couldn't cast heals on him. Each time I tried, a goblin got in my way and ended up being the recipient of my spells. Thankfully my healing spells don't seem to work on goblins. Tunare is much wiser than I am and she instictively knows when I am trying to heal the enemy. My Mistress is always looking out for my best interests even as I am looking out for hers.

We hunted for quite a while and then the other group decided they needed a break from those slimey confines. I can't say that I blame them, after all the conditions really are very terrible down there. They all left for the evening and were soon joined by our druid Loull. Loull was very quite by the way. I think he just has to be the quietest halfling I have ever met. He just sat back there, helping me heal others when I needed it and jumping in every now and then to hit a creature. Smokez was also a joy to be around. He just dove in on what ever was brought back to the group, no questions asked. I have never seen a more blood thirsty Paladin. Well with the exception of Surphat maybe, but he is a whole different story.

The remaining five of us stayed just a little bit longer than the rest, hoping to either catch a glimpse of the elusive Moldmaster or the equally elusive druid Nealyn. Neither of which bothered to show up. Since I had developed a cough, no doubt induced by that moldy environment, I decided I needed to rest for the evening. My friends helped me find the entrance and I camped for the evening. I am sure they had plenty of time to get their own errands accomplished after I had camped. They were near enough to Rivervale to buy and sell all that they needed.

Please continue to look for Nealyn my friends. I doubt the fate of Norrath hangs in the balance, but one never knows.

Xandamir -Humble Servant of Tunare-

PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 12:48 pm 
Following a very satisfying evening of mashing sporali things back into the "ICK" (as Xanda says with a grimace) with many a fellow Wayfarer from distant parts, I departed to indulge my need for the kind of fresh air that only the gardens of Karanas can offer. After a bit of fun and frolic with a pack of mist wolves, I weeded out a few Evil Eyes and spiders. With my spirits thus uplifted, I prepare to return to the dank depths to rejoin my companions and, hopefully, a few of the very Wayfarers from the other day.

--From the Birch Bark Memoirs of Talinoth, pg. 28

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